How to join
Membership benefits
The ALT is a vibrant, welcoming and inclusive community of academics, professionals and practitioners engaged in legal education across countries worldwide.
Our members receive the following benefits:
Four issues per year of our journal, The Law Teacher: the international Journal of Legal Education; including access to the electronic journal archive and articles published online first;
Regular ALT newsletter (via email) packed with information about events, publications, policy consultations and other relevant matters;
Eligibility to apply for ALT research grants and awards schemes;
A discount with Publishers who support the ALT;
A discount on the delegate rate for the ALT annual conference;
One day events and workshops;
ALT responses to policy matters/consultations, making the voices of Law Teachers heard;
Access to a vibrant network of Law Teachers to share enthusiasm, good practice and ideas.
Membership fees
The annual membership fee is £50 for all members. The fee is payable annually in January. We do not have different rates for overseas, student, or retired members, but we believe our membership fee represents very good value for money.
If you would like to discuss Institutional Membership for a group of members, please email the Chair, Emma Jones
Membership Secretary
For further details contact the Membership Team: